The little girl in treatment for selective mutism – an anxiety disorder in which a child is unable to speak in certain situations – was entering kindergarten in...
In this group you will always notice that some children tend to spend the day moping and sulking in a corner of the classroom while other children clearly enjoy the new experience. Why this behavioral difference is so great? After all, being away from...
If you’re a teen struggling with feelings of distress and hopelessness, help might be literally at your fingertips. New York City is launching a pilot program called NYC Teen Text to help young people get access to free, confidential, convenient...
The mental health of teenagers, as highlighted by a 2014 American Psychological Association report finding that American teens report stress at equal or higher levels to adults, was of particular concern, Nygaard said; Change to Chill is one of Allina...
They analyzed how that time related to the child’s behavioral, emotional and academic performance. “In childhood and adolescence, the amount of maternal time did not matter for offspring behaviors, emotions or academics, whereas social status factors...
“We have given Justin time outs, we have talked to him numerous times about his behavior and we have done our best to manage him, but he is making camp unsafe for the other children,” the director told Sophie. “Enough is enough. Justin is not welcome...